International ThinkQuest Competition 2012
Dear students, postgraduate students, lecturers and PetrSU employees!
EU Information Centre informs that the international «ThinkQuest Competition 2012», sponsored by the Oracle Education Foundation, is now open for the students from all over the world.
The competition suggests that students under the age of 22 y.o. compete in the sphere of resolving real practical tasks using their creative thinking, sociability and technical knowledge, i.e. the most important skills of the XXI century.
Students under the supervision of their lecturers can present answers in two nominations: digital multimedia and application development, made with the aid of various technologies, including interactive applications, online games, websites, photo reports, journals/blogs, show, animation and video.
Teams have to develop and submit their projects before April 25, 2012. After the submission their projects will be evaluated by the international jury.
Team line-up: from 1 to 6 participants + supervisor.
Language: Englis
Presents for the winners: notebooks, money grants for educational institutions, a trip to the annual ThinkQuest Live event in San-Francisco, diplomas of the participants, and diplomas with honours for the winner teams.
Students of 18 y.o. and older, who took the first 10% of places have the right to submit an application to the Oracle Education Foundation for an internship.
More than 7600 teams (113 from Russia) from 52 countries took part in the last year ThinkQuest Competition.
Competition coordinator for Russia and CIS:
Yury Gorvits
tel: +7 (495) 641-13-61, +7 (985) 922-64-57
More information can be found at
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