The EU days in the EU center in the Barents region of Russia!


Tomorrow is the start of EU days in the EU center in the Barents region of Russia!

May 6: Conference of young researchers, working in the field of contemporary European problems.

Time: 15:00 – 18:00

Place: PetrSU, Anokhina str. 20, room 407


1.    Maria Teratsuyants (11606, Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, 2nd year master student)
Migration policy in the programs of political parties and pre-election polemic of Finland in parliamentary elections 2011 and 2015.

2.    Ksenia Chumak (11606, Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, 2nd year master student), Russian-Finnish cross-border cooperation experience based on the example of the ENPI CBC Program.

3.    Alexey Fomichev (11506, Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, 1st year master student), New borders between Russia and Finland, defining challenges.

4.    Evelina Honkanen (Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, 1st year master student), securitization of the Islamic migration problem within the Finns Party discourse.

5.    Vladislav Fedorov (Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, International relations, 3rd year bachelor student), Sweden neutrality policy in XXI century.

6.    Varvara Markova (Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, 1st year master student), Private military campaigns in Sweden: Scandinavian version of “war privatization” (using Swedish PMC group “Scandinavian Risk Solutions” as an example).

7.    Aleksandr Golubnik (Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, 1st year master student), evolution of the Norwegian Saami policy.

8.    Natalia Skripnikova (Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, 1st year master student), transformation of the Northern Dimension policy in 1997-2016.

9.    Olga Gomzyakova (Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, International relations, 4rd year bachelor student), Europeanization of Poland: driving forces, tools, dynamics.

10.  Ekaterina Cheglukova (Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, International relations, 4rd year bachelor student), increasing number of Eurosceptic representatives in the European parliament as a sign of Euro-tiredness.

Everybody is welcome!

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