UnitedWorldColleges (UWC)


UnitedWorldColleges (UWC) is internationally recognized educational system founded in 1962.

UWC schools, colleges and programmes deliver a challenging and transformative educational experience to a diverse cross section of students, inspiring them to create a more peaceful and sustainable future.

UWC was founded with the vision of bringing together young people from all over the world and offering an educational experience based on shared learning, collaboration and understanding. UWC delivers a challenging and transformative educational experience to over 7500 students each year, inspiring them to work towards a more peaceful and sustainable future. UWC has 14 schools and colleges across 5 continents, all with distinctive characteristics but sharing the same mission, ethos and values. More than 50,000 students from more than 181 countries have studied at UWC schools, colleges and programmes.

UWC provides scholarships which allow talented children to get international education regardless the financial opportunities of their parents.

Application deadline is December 16, 2014.

Website: http://www.ru.uwc.org/

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