Conference of young researchers, working in the field of contemporary European problems


A conference of young researchers, working in the field of contemporary European problems, was held on May 6, 2016, as a part of the EU Days at PetrSU. The conference took place within the EU Center in the Barents Region of Russia Project, funded by Erasmus+ program of the EU.

The program was organized by the EU Center in the Barents region of Russia and Karelian Department of European studies association. Anastasiia Kuznetsova, director of the EU information center and coordinator of the EU center in the Barents region of Russia, and Juri Kilin, DSc in history, head of the PetrSU department of history, political science and international relations, head of the research center of the WWII problems on the European North, chairman of Karelian Department of the European Studies association were the moderators of the conference.

Students and teachers from the Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, as well as Institute of International programs staff took part in this conference. 3rd and 4th year bachelor students and 1st and 2ndyear master students were giving their presentations on various topics, such as cross-border cooperation, securitization of migration problem, neutrality policy, indigenous people, Euroscepticism in the EU. All presentations were assessed, many questions were asked and commentaries made. The conference has shown that the interest towards EU studies is very high among young researchers at PetrSU, and students demonstrate a high level of knowledge in EU-related questions. All participants received certificates and prizes. Collection of articles, based on students’ presentations, will be issued as a result of the conference.

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