“Days of Social Skills” in Petrovskaya school
On December 6, 2013 within the framework of “Days of Social Skills” in Petrovskaya school Anastasia Kuznetsova, the head of the EU Information Centre, coordinator of the Barents EU Centre, presented Barents EU Centre and responded to the questions of the audience. She told about the activity of Centre and about its arrangements where pupils can participate: “The EU Days”, the exhibition “The EU Today”, “Welcome Days in the Barents EU Centre” and annual competition for pupils. Information related to these arrangements and other European events and programmes where the schoolchildren of the Republic of Karelia can participate they can find on PetrSU website, Barents EU Centre website, in the groups of social networks. Anastasia Kuznetsova has implemented career guidance work to attract perspective students to PetrSU. She provided information on the primary opportunities for students of PetrozavodskStateUniversity. The pupils of the 8th-11th grades took part in the meeting.
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