“Days of Social Skills” in Petrovskaya School
Anastasia Kuznetsova, director of the EU Information Center and coordinator of the EU Center in the Barents region of Russia, made a presentation on the EU Center in the Barents Region of Russia and answered students’ questions in Petrovskaya School within the school’s “Days of Social Skills” on September 29.
She told about the Center’s activity and events it delivers, in which school children can take part. These are the EU Days, EU research club, “EU today” exhibition, Open Days at the EU Center in the Barents region of Russia, and, of course, the annual contest for school children. Information on such activities and other European programs and events in which school children of Karelia can take part can be found on the PetrSU website, EU Center in the Barents region of Russia website and in social networks’ communities. School children from 8th to 11th grade took part in this event. Questions on university admission, scientific and general interests, as well as what to do in order to be successful were discussed as well.
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