Essays competition for senior pupils at the NArFU


The last week of November was highlighted by essays competition for senior pupils at the NArFU arranged in the framework of the project “Establishing the EU Centre in the Barents Region of Russia”. The pupils had the opportunity to think about the influence of the European Union on the formation of the Russian system of higher education and to estimate the results of its adoption and influence on the future professional society a decade later. The topic of the essays was: “European System of Education and its Application in Russia: Perspectives and Misfortunes”.

Three schools in Archangelsk took part in the competition. More than 10 works were sent. The works were evaluated in accordance with the criteria of topicality, practical significance, competence and logic of narration. The awarding took place in the Northern (Arctic) Federal University in early December. Pupils received certificates of participation, the winners got the presents.     

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