Meetings with representatives of Hungarian universities


Head of the international projects sector A.A. Rogozin took part in a series of working meetings with representatives of universities in Hungary.

July 31 - Peter Pazman University (a working meeting devoted to creation of custodial sites on the territory of PetrSU and Hungarian universities) The meeting was held with the assistants of the university rector - Irisz Horvat.

On August 1 Alexey Rogozin had a meeting with all international coordinators of the University of Szeged, the University of Gyor, as well as the University of Pécs and the University of Penonia.

During the series of meetings participants of the meeting discussed practical issues on the preparation of joint applications for Erasmus + programs in the field of agricultural technologies and biotechnology. One of the most debatable question was about  possibilities for Hungarian students to participate in academic mobility programs at PetrSU ( currently there are two large programs: Russian governmental program, Campus Mundi Program)

On August 2 Alexey delivered presentation about programs of academic exchange and academic mobility for students of the University of Gyor.

All events and meetings were organized within the framework of the project “EU Center in the Barents Region of Russia”, carried out with the financial support of the Erasmus + Program of the  European Union.

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