Days of Europe in Arkhangelsk


From the 28th to 30th of May ‘Days of the EU’ took place in Arkhangelsk within the framework of the ‘Establishing of the EU Centre in the Barents Region of Russia’ project, implemented with the financial support of the EU.
On May, 28 an opening ceremony of the ‘EU Days began in a conference hall of the ‘Capital of Pomor’ hotel. Andrey Olegovich Podoplekin, Head of the Directorate for International Cooperation of NARFU, PhD in History, and Yuriy Fedorovich Lukin, Director of the Institute of Management and Regionology of NARFU, Doctor of History, professor, welcomed the participants.
The ‘EU Model: economics, politics as a field of mutual relations among the EU countries’ roleplay (similar to the ‘Model of the UN’) was also held there in a mini-summit format, create by the CAP employees particularly for this very event. The meeting was held in a form of a roundtable accompanied by a lively discussion and modeling of the situation of the current EU crisis (aftermath in the Socio-Economic Union and political and diplomatic sector of the EU). The problem of location and cooperation among the biggest EU countries and Greece was submitted for the discussion.
Second, third and fourth year students of IMR NARFU and ISHPS, as well as lecturers and professors of IMR NARFU и ISHPS participated in the rolepay. A resolution and a list of Euro zone management proposals were submitted as a result of the ‘EU Model’.
Total amount of 48 people participated in the event.

On May, 29 Andrey Viktorovich Repnevskiy, professor, Doctor of History, Director of the Institute of Social, Humanitarian and Political Sciences presented an open lecture about the EU in the Institute of Management and Regionology. A. Repnevskiy spoke to third-year students
of IMR NARFU about the history of the European Union (history, population, culture, religion of the EU countries).
In the second part of the lecture Saburov A.A., expert from the Directorate on International Cooperation, familiarized students with international youth projects, innovative educational programmes for youth, international opportunities of NARFU, and responded to questions from the audience
Total amount of 58 people were present.

On May, 30 in a podium discussion ‘Tourism as a sphere of the cultural relations among the EU countries’ took place in the main building of NARFU at 10 a.m. The discussion was held within the framework of the closing ceremony of the ‘EU Days’. Nesterenko Marina Yuryevna, Head of the ‘Arctic Partnerships’ Centre presented the report on the ‘Establishing the EU Centre in the Barents region of Russia’ project to the audience
A new introductory lecture on the topic of the discussion, namely ‘Tourism as a field of cultural relations among the EU countries’, was presented to the audience by Solovyova Anna Nilolaevna, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, leading researcher of the ‘Arctic Partnerships’ Centre.
Kalinin Alexey Genrichovich, Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs and State Protocol of the Governor's Administration of the Arkhangelsk region spoke about international projects.
Consultation of experts from the Delegation of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Arkhangelsk (Kochegarov Alexandr Sergeevich – third secretary of the Delegation of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Arkhangelsk , Sapozhnikova Galina Sergeevna- expert on visa-issues in Delegation of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Arkhangelsk) were held within the framework of the ‘EU Days’. Kochegarov A.A. and Sapozhnikova G.S. responded to the questions from the audience on the issues concerning ‘entry and exit rules” in the Schengen zone, how the MFA system operates, safety of private information, as well as about bureaucracy and corruption.
All the participants were welcome to take part in the dialogue.

Total amount of 75 people were present.

The ‘EU Days’ were held. All the planned activities within the ‘EU Days’: roleplay summit the ‘EU Model’, an open lecture, podium discussion – all had a wide range of directions of educational, consultative and informative character.

Total about 200 people participated in the events of the project.

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