‘Polish Films Week’ started in PetrSU


This event takes place in Karelia for the first time, yet the organisers of the festival hope that it will become a tradition in the future.

‘Four days – four movies’ is an idiomatic motto of the festival. Four latest works of four Polish directors will be presented within the week’s time.

On Monday everyone could watch a family comedy-drama about hard life of a Polish lecturer Adas Miauczyński (directed by Marek Koterski). On Tuesday the thriller movie ‘Reverse’ will be shown (director - Borys Lankosz). On Wednesday another comedy-drama movie called ‘All what I love’ directed by Jacek Borcuch will be presented to the public. And at the end of the festival a joint Polish, German, French and Spanish project called ‘Carnage’ (directed by Roman Polanski) will be shown to the audience.

‘Polish Films Week’organisers invite everyone to attend everyday movie sessions, that take place at 19.00, auditorium 146 of the main building of PetrSU.

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