Rewarding of schoolchildren who are the winners of the competition “What Do I Know about the European Union?”


On June 10, 2013 the winners of the competition “What Do I Know about the European Union?” were awarded memorable prizes and diplomas.

The competition had the form of online quiz where the schoolchildren from Petrozavodsk and Republic of Karelia responded to the questions connected with the history of European integration, EU institutions, its nowadays state, symbols and relations Russia-EU. Besides, there was a creative question: “What new symbol would you suggest for the EU? Describe it and give arguments”.

The first place was given to Alexander Antonov, the 7th grade “B”, school 42, the second place – Elizaveta Barkalova, the 4th grade “B”, Finnish and Ugric school named after Elias Lönnrot, the third place – Karen Kosyan, the 7th grade “B”, Louhi comprehensive secondary school. However, 6 works were selected including Christina Peniugalova (the 8th grade “A”, school 42), Valeria Osipenko (the 10th grade “A”, school 14) and Nikita Volkov (the 10th grade “B”, school 14).

The schoolchildren astonished us by their knowledge of the EU and by their creative approach. They emphasized that while the were preparing the answers to the questions they learnt a lot of new information about the European Union. Therefore, the competition encouraged interest in European research and development of knowledge about the EU among young people.

The competition was arranged in April-May 2013 within the framework of the project “Establishing the EU in the Barents Region of Russia”, implemented under financial support of the European Union.

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