Study course “Introduction to the European Law” at the PetrSU Faculty of Law.


From 14 to 16 March Matthias Hartwig taught a course “Introduction to the European Law” at the PetrSU Faculty of Law. The course was delivered within the project “EU Center in the Barents region of Russia”, supported by the “Erasmus+” program of the European Union. Matthias is a recognized specialist in the area of comparative law; he holds a Doctor’s degree in Law and is a professor and a senior research fellow at the Max Plank Institute of comparative public and private law. He was invited as the EU expert on legal issues, and he is also the author of such research works as “Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence – background and critique of judicial decree”.

The course was taken by 4th and 5th year students. Total amount of hours in the course was 20 hours, 12 of which were taught in class and 8 were left for individual work. The course covered the following topics: history of the EU and its goals, EU institutions, European law, interaction between national and EU law, European citizenship, freedom in the EU and legal aspects in the relationship between Russia and the EU.

Thanks to the course read by Matthias Hartwig PetrSU students acquired new knowledge about the EU, could ask questions on European law and exchange opinions on different subjects.

Dean of the Faculty of Law Sergey Chernov and Matthias also discussed the opportunities of future collaboration in the area of studying the European law.

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