The Course “EU Regional Policy”
From March 24 to March 26,2014 inBarents EU Centre the course EU Regional Policy” was conducted in the framework of the course “Regionalism, Regional Policy and Cross-Border Cooperation in the EU”. It was delivered by foreign instructor Mikko Vaha-Sipila, programs manager inLithuaniaandSweden, Regional and Town Policy Directorate, European Commission. He expressed his personal standpoint on such issues as EU regional policy history, logic and practice, its role among other spheres of EU policy, as well as the current situation and perspectives with the focus onBaltic Searegion. The course was represented within the framework of the project “Open Module on European Integration” which is implemented under the financial support of the European Union “LLP programme”. The audience consisted of students and lecturers of PetrSU Faculty of Political and Social Sciences and Cultural Directorate of Petrozavodsk town district and non-profit partnership “Centre for North,Arcticand Cross-border Cooperation Issues”. They expressed a favorable view of the course content and Mikko’s lecturing. They also pointed out that within the program he adjusted to their interests and questions and drew their attention to practical issues. It was very important for them. After the course all participants received certificates.
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