The EU: 20 Years Later
From the 26th to the 30th of November, 2012 intellectual games for pupils “The European Union: 20 Years Later” were conducted at NArFU.
The games were organized within the framework of the project “Establishing the EU Centre in the Barents Region of Russia”, implemented with the financial support of the European Union. It is no coincidence that the project organizers chose such title for the arrangements: Maastricht Treaty, which created the legal basis for the EU, was signed in 1992. We would remind you that the Treaty on European Union entered into force on November 1, 1993.
The topics of the intellectual games included the questions of history and modern international relations between the EU and European countries, their collaboration with Russia. The goal of the games was to extend knowledge about the European Union, to stimulate pupils’ interest in self study and broadening of outlook in respect of European neighbors of Russia, to encourage general intellectual development of pupils.
204 pupils of the 9th-11th grades from 4 schools of Arkhangelsk took part in games: gymnasiums № 3 and 6, University Lomonosov gymnasium and comprehensive school № 45.
The children responded to the questions connected with the history, culture, economy and politics of the European Union. The games had two rounds. Each round consisted of 12 questions. There was only one minute for each response and then the jury, comprised of students and staff of Institute of Economics and Management and Institute of Social, Humanitarian and Political Sciences, estimated the accuracy and logic of the answers.
Pupils’ knowledge and preparation amazed jury: at average the total number of correct answers, given by teams, amounted to more than 70%. It shows that pupils have motivation and that comprehensive schools have high level of preparation. Certificates were granted to all participants of intellectual games. The winners were awarded with diplomas and presents.
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