Training program in the European Union centres in Prague, the Czech Republic.
In early November 2014 in the framework of the project “Establishing the EU Centre in the Barents Region of Russia”, implemented with the financial support of the European Union, the participants of the project - A. Kuznetsova, the head of the EU Information Centre of PetrSU, N. Silina, deputy director of the Centre of Atlantic and Asian Cooperation of PetrSU and J. Smirniva, deputy director of the Institute of International Programs of PetrSU – took part in further training program in the European Union centres in Prague, the Czech Republic.
On November, 5 they had a meeting with the officers of European House. PetrSU representatives had the opportunity to be acquainted with the materials of the House collection, discuss and adopt the experience of European colleagues in the sphere of organization of arrangements devoted to the EU, consulting students and public about the possibilities of getting education in Europe and project activity. The representatives of the European House pointed out that in order of attracting larger amount of participants the education and arrangements devoted to the EU should be currently conducted in the interesting and unusual format. They exemplified their vision and experience of such activity. The European House kindly furnished the materials and books in English which supplemented the library collection of the Barents EU Centre at PetrSU.
On November 5-6 PetrSU representatives took part in the seminar and online conference devoted to European and transatlantic topics (trade, economics, geopolitics, investment partnership, etc.).
On November 7 PetrSU representatives visited European Documentation Centre of the University of Economics.
They were acquainted with the working format of this centre, as well as worked with materials in the collection of the centre. These materials enriched their knowledge on such issues as EU economics and law, European integration history and development of education in Europe. The acquired information is siginificant for their further professional and research activity.
This internship gave the participants the new knowledge and skills and opened perspectives of cooperation between the Barents EU Centre at PetrSU and Czech EU Centres.
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