Winners of the online contest “What do I know about the European Union?”.
On March 17, 2017, EU Center in the Barents region of Russia granted awards to the winners of the online contest “What do I know about the European Union?”.
The contest was held in online quiz format, where students from Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk answered questions related to the history of the EU integration, its current state of being, EU institutions and symbols. There was also a question on the moto of the EU and whether it reflects the EU’s essence.
47 works were submitted from Petrozavodsk, Segezha, Medvezhegorsk, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk. All students received certificates of participation.
19 schools took part in the contest:
Petrozavodsk: school # 20, # 43, # 38, Gymnasium # 37 and # 17, Petrovskaya school and Derzhavinsky lyceum.
Segezha: school # 5, # 6
Medvezhegorsk: school # 2 and # 3
Murmansk: gymnasium # 6
Arkhangelsk: school # 11, # 8, # 62, # 20, gymnasium # 21 and # 24,
Since there was only one work from Murmansk, it was decided to determine 3 winners among Petrozavodsk students and 3 winners of the Republic of Karelia. The winners are:
4. Antipin Aleksandr, 6th grade, Petrovskaya school
5. Panteleeva Daria, 9th grade, school # 38
6. Kruglova Alisa, 11th grade, Derzhavinsky lyceum
Republic of Karelia:
4. Lazarev Sergei, Medvezhjegorsk, 11th grade, school # 2
5. Denisova Polina, Medvezhjegorsk, 11th grade, school # 2
6. Osipova Anna, Segezha, 10th grade, school # 6
4. Laponogov Ivan, 6th grade, school # 11
5. Antrushina Darina, 10th grade, gymnasium # 24
6. Badikov Ilia, 11th grade, gymnasium # 24
2. Malyshkina Anna, 3rd grade, gymnasium # 6
Students showed outstanding knowledge about the EU. Many wrote commentaries to their answers and thus showed that they wanted to find out even more information about the EU. All participants used different approaches when answering the question about the EU moto. They also said that answering quiz questions helped them to learn more about this organization, which means that the contest stimulated the interest towards European research and developing knowledge About EU among youth.
The contest was held within the project ‘The European Union Center in the Barents Region of Russia’ with the financial support of the ‘Erasmus+’ program of the European Union.
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