4th meeting of the EU Research Club
On May 20, 2013 one more meeting of the EU Research Club, which has been already existed the second year, was arranged inPetrozavodskStateUniversity.
The meeting had the form of an open discussion related to the topic “Visa Free Regime between the EU andRussia: To Be or Not To Be?”. Students and lecturers of the Faculty of History, Philology and Law of PetrSU took part in it. The moderators of the meeting were A. Kuznetsova, head of the EU Information Centre/project coordinator, and doctor of historical sciences, prof. J.Kilin, head of the Department of World History, director of PetrSU Institute of Northern European Research, director of the regional division of the European Research Association.
All participants could discuss such issues as the history of the question related to visa free regime, current situation, pros and cons of introduction such regime for the EU and Russia, problems which should be solved and also propose variants of possible terms. They had the opportunity to demonstrate their views and arguments. Thus, that was a productive dialog. Participants have expressed their positive impressions of the meeting and pointed out that they have acquired plenty of new theoretical and practical knowledge.
The EU Research Club is found within the framework of the project ‘Establishing the EU Centre in the Barents Region of Russia’, implemented with the financial support of the European Union.