Space bridge “The EU Closer to You”
On March 5, 2014 the space bridge “The EU Closer to You” was arranged in the Barents EU Centre within the framework of EU Research Club. The Club has existed since 2012 and it was created within the framework of the project “Establishing the EU Centre in the Barents Region of Russia”, implemented under financial support of the European Union. This time the meeting had the format of space bridge with the representatives of EU Delegation toRussia: Soren Liborius, head of Press and Information Department, Andrey Kasiyanenko, department member, Nicola Scaramuzzo, educatiolal programs coordinator and Nikolai, trainee of the department. Trird secretary of Petrozavodsk Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Daniel Martsinuk, srudents of the Faculties of Law, Economics and Philology and public members participated in the meeting. Such variety of participants allowed to discuss the questions of EU development and relations between Russian and the EU from different points of view. The meeting was arranged during the interesting period when some questions related to external policy of the EU and Russia were especially sharp. Thus, the discussian was very active. So, both sides came to conclusion that such meetings should be conducted more often as they allow to exchange the opinions and be informed about first-hand position of experts.