Mass media about us

Web-site of Russian University of Cooperation
The ‘EU Days in Murmansk’ were held from the 28th to the 30th of May in the capital of Kola Polar Region within the framework of implementation of the international project ‘Establishing the EU Centre in the Barents Region of Russia’. Students and lecturers of Murmansk branch took part in the roundtable on the topic ‘Youth Politics of Russia and European Union: trends and international practices’. Peculiarities of the state youth politics in Russia and the EU countries as well as the world trends of its development on the example of the EU countries, and alternative youth politics on the example of Murmansk ‘House of the Youth Mister Pink’ became the subject of discussion of the participants of the roundtable.

‘No Format’ Internet Edition
Have a look at 14 articles on the activities of our centre in the ‘No Format’ internet edition.

North-Western Portal of Russia
Petrozavodsk State University won the competition ‘Supporting the Establishment of the EU Centres in the Russian Federation II’.

‘Vse’ Newspaper
Meeting of the Dean and lecturers of the Faculty of Philology with Katalin Kroo, Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (Hungary) was held at Petrozavodsk State University. Kroo is the Head of the Department of Russian Linguistics and Literature, Head of the PHD-programme ‘Russian Literature and Literary Studies’, Vice-president of the International Community of Dostoevsky, author of many books on Russian Literature of the 19th century, and one of the leading European and world scholars of Dostoevsky’s works.

Youth Portal of the Republic of Karelia
A meeting of E.A. Kunilskyi, Dean of the Faculty of Philology and lecturers with Katalin Kroo, Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (Hungary) was held in Petrozavodsk State University

TV-21 Television Company
From the 28th to the 30th of May, 2012 the ‘EU Days’ will take place in the capital of Kola Polar Region with the support of MSTU.

News Portal
The ‘EU Days’ within the implementation of the international project ‘Establishing the EU Centre in the Barents Region of Russia’ started earlier this week in Murmansk. On Monday, the 28th of May a roundtable on ‘International Politics of Russia and the EU: Trends and International Practices’ will take place in ‘Park Inn Polyarnye Zory’ hotel.

‘Karelia’ Newspaper
PetrSU is the winner of the competition ‘Support for the establishment of EU Centres in the Russian Federation II’. The project is financed by the European Union and combines 5 higher educational institutions of the region into an affiliate network: PetrSU, MSTU, SyktSU, NArFU.

Karelian Information agency ‘Karelinform’
Petrozavodsk State University became a winner of the competition ‘Support for the establishment of EU Centres in the Russian Federation II’.

Article in the Internet Edition of ‘Arkhangelsk News’
Countries of the Barents Euro-Arctic Region are seen as the main priority in international cooperation of Arkhangelsk Oblast – mentioned the representative of the Department of International Relations and Protocol of the Government of Arkhangelsk Oblast, Alexey Kalinin.