
British Council Researcher Links
The British Council is launching the British Council Researcher Links initiative, in partnership with various research and higher education organizations from around the world.

The call for applications is open for 2014 scholarships from the Foundation for the Furtherance of Swedish-Russian Relations (the Sverker Åström Foundation).

In order to increase international scientific mobility the scholarship program of the European Institutes for Advanced Study, EURIAS offers 10-month internship in the university participating in the program.

Bayer Science and Education Foundation ( announces the new wave of call for applications for scholarships which give the opportunity to study abroad to schoolchildren, students and young specialists from all over the world, including Russsia.

Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises Announces Call for Applications
Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises Announces Call for Applications

Universität Bremen, Germany
The call for applications is open for the University of Bremen postdoctoral scholarships for young specialists who have a degree in Science, Engineering, Humanities and Social sciences.

Please, pay attention to the Autumn school “Changing Policies and Cultures in Europe and Russia: Environment, Resources, Energy”, September 18 – 23, 2013.