
A quiz type class
3rd year students of Faculty of Philology had an unusual class of the Polish language. Marta Magdalena Stempovska, a visiting lecturer from Poland, conducted a quiz type class devoted to her native country. Students, using their knowledge of the language and after visiting the newly opened photo-exhibition ‘Euro-2012 ’, successfully answered all the tricky questions regarding sights and beauties of such Polish cities, as Warsaw, Wrocław, Posnan and Gdansk.

Liudmila Kulikovskaya, Head of the Department for International Cooperation of PetrSU took part in a seminar for heads of international services of higher educational institutions ‘International cooperation and academic mobility: benefits and actual problems’ held in Kazan Federal University.

Head of the Directorate for International Cooperation Liudmila Kulikovskaya and Head of the EU Information Centre Anastasia Kuznetsova took part in the workshop meeting of the EU Centres in Kazan within the framework of “Days of Europe”.

PetrSU students will participate in the IX International Summer School in Karelia. The topic of the school is “The factor of water resources in the relations in the Northern Europe”.

The English language classes were launched in Petrozavodsk State University within the scope of the ‘Establishing the EU Center in the Barents Region’ project implemented with the European Union financial support.

The on-line conference
The Working Group from Petrozavodsk State University conducted on-line conferences with partner universities of the project “Establishing the EU Centre in the Barents Region of Russia”.

The citywide competition among schoolchildren "Become a young researcher of the European Union!"
PetrSU announces a competition among Petrozavodsk schools "Become a young researcher of the European Union!". The competition is held under the project “Establishing the EU Centre in the Barents Region of Russia” carried out with financial support from the European Union.

The presentation of the ‘Establishing the EU Center in the Barents Region’ project implemented with the European Union financial support took place in PetrSU.

PetrSU is a winner in competition “Support to the Establishment of the EU Centres in Russia II”
Petrozavodsk State University won the competition “Support to the Establishment of the EU Centres in Russia II”. The project funded by the European Union, was called “Establishing the EU Centre in the Barents Region of Russia” and combines the network of five universities in the region – Petrozavodsk State University, Murmansk Humanities Institute, Murmansk State Technical University, Syktyvkar State University and Northern (Arctic) Federal University.

About PetrSU during Europe Days
The head of the EU Information Centre Anastasia Kuznetsova took part in Europe Days in Rostov-on-Don where she represented Petrozavodsk State University.