Anastasia Kuznetsova, director of the EU Information Center and coordinator of the EU Center in the Barents region of Russia, made a presentation on the EU Center in the Barents Region of Russia and answered students’ questions in Petrovskaya School within the school’s “Days of Social Skills” on September 29.
From August the 15th to September the 3rd PetrSU hosted the International Summer School “European Union and Russia – cross-border cooperation”. DAAD fellows from Germany and Austria, as well as PetrSU students from the Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences and the Institute of Foreign Languages participated in the school.
Training program for teachers
5 teachers from the Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Ecology and Biology have accomplished the training program, which was aimed at acquiring knowledge on the EU, its policies and European integration in general. All participating teachers take part in the “EU Center in the Barents Region of Russia” project, which is carried out with the financial support of Erasmus+ program of the EU.
Role play “Model EU”
Role play “Model EU” took place on June the 18th on the camp side “Raduga”. The event was held within the EU Center in the Barents Region of Russia project, financially supported by Erasmus+ Program of the EU.
Open Days at the PetrSU EU Center in the Barents Region of Russia took place from June 15 to June 17, 2016. The Days were held within the project “EU center in the Barents region of Russia”, with the financial support of Erasmus+ program of the EU
Barents EU Centre on a Jean Monnet seminar
Moscow office of the Delegation of the EU to Russia hosted a Jean Monnet seminar on May the 27th. The meeting was organized by the Moscow office of the Delegation of the EU to Russia together with EACEA.
International Summer School in Karelia “Arctic Council, Barents Euro-Arctic Council, the Council of the Baltic Sea States: regional cooperation and policy-shaping with the EU” took place at Petrozavodsk State University. The School was organized within the project “EU Center in the Barents Region of Russia”, funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
During the day university students, teachers and university staff members, as well as school children and city residents could visit one or more lessons dedicated to a language of an EU country: Polish, Swedish, French, German, English, Spanish and Finnish.
A conference of young researchers, working in the field of contemporary European problems, was held on May 6, 2016, as a part of the EU Days at PetrSU. The conference took place within the EU Center in the Barents Region of Russia Project, funded by Erasmus+ program of the EU.
Сourse “European integration and management”
Youngmi Kim, associate professor of the Department of Political Science in Central European University (Hungary), gave a course “European integration and management” at the Institute of History, Social and Political Science from the 22nd to 24th of March. The course was given within the “EU Center in the Barents region of Russia” project, which is run with the financial support of the “Erasmus+” program. The course was taken by 3rd and 4th year bachelor students and 1st and 2nd year master students majoring in “International relations”. Total amount of course hours was 20, 12 of which were taught in class and 8 were left for individual work. Topics like European integration, expanding of the EU, democracy and crisis in the EU were covered.